How to Avoid Bread Sticking To The Pan

Have you ever been making a sandwich only to find your bread sticking to the pan?

It’s an annoying problem, but one that can easily be avoided.

In today’s blog post, we’ll go over some of the steps and techniques you can use to make sure your bread comes out of the pan with ease. 


It All Starts With the Pan 

The type of pan you use will have a big impact on whether or not your breadsticks are to it. The best option for avoiding sticky bread is a cast iron skillet.

Cast iron skillets are naturally non-stick and provide even heating, which helps avoid hot spots that could cause burning or sticking.

If cast iron isn’t an option for you, make sure you choose a stainless steel or aluminum pan with a non-stick coating.

These types of pans also provide even heating and should help prevent sticking.  

Preventing Your Bread Sticking To The Pan Through Grease 

No matter what kind of pan you use, it doesn’t hurt to add an extra layer of protection by greasing it before adding the bread.

For best results, start by melting butter in the pan over low heat.

Once melted, remove it from the heat and brush it evenly across the surface with a pastry brush or paper towel. This will create an extra layer between your bread and the pan and should help prevent sticking. 


You can also use oil as an alternative to butter if desired; just be aware that oil has its own set of smoke points depending on its type so be sure to watch it carefully while cooking!  

Timing Is Everything 

Finally, timing is key when it comes to avoiding sticky bread in your pans.

Make sure you check on your bread regularly while cooking so that you don’t overcook it – this is especially important if using oil as it has a lower smoke point than butter!

Additionally, let the bread cool slightly before trying to remove it from the pan; this will give any residual grease time to settle into all corners of the surface and reduce the chances of sticking further down the line!  

How To Avoid Bread Sticking To The Pan: 

There are several ways to avoid bread sticking to the pan, so you can get perfect slices every time. Let’s take a look at a few of them. 

1. Preventing Your Bread Sticking To The Pan With Parchment Paper 

The simplest method for preventing your bread sticking to the pan is to use parchment paper. This non-stick paper is great for baking, as it not only helps keep the bread from sticking but also prevents burned bottoms or sides.

All you need to do is line the bottom of your pan with parchment paper before adding in the dough.

When it’s finished baking, simply lift out the parchment paper with the loaf still on top. 

2. Preventing Your Bread Sticking To The Pan With Oil or Butter 

If you don’t have any parchment paper handy, oil or butter can be used instead.

Greasing up a pan with either one will create an extra layer between the bread and pan that will help prevent sticking.

Just make sure you use enough oil or butter so that there is an even layer over the entire surface of the pan before adding in your dough. 

3. Preventing Your Bread Sticking To The Pan With Solid Fat 

Solid fat is another great option if you want to keep your bread from sticking to its pan.

Suitable types of fat include lard, shortening, coconut oil (which hardens at room temperature), or ghee (clarified butter).

Simply rub a thin layer of solid fat over your pan before pouring in your dough and bake as usual – no more stuck-on bread! 

Should You Remove Bread From Pan Immediately?

The answer to this question depends on the type of bread you are baking.

If it is a lighter, softer loaf such as white or sourdough, then it’s best to allow the bread to cool slightly before attempting to remove it from the pan – this will give any residual grease time to settle into all corners of the surface and reduce chances of sticking further down the line!

For heavier, crustier loaves such as rye or pumpernickel, it’s safe to remove them from the pan straight away – just be careful to do so gently and slowly, as any sudden movements could cause the bread to break apart.

Ultimately, the best way is always to err on the side of caution and wait a few minutes before attempting to remove the bread.

Is It Better to Put Bread in the Fridge or Leave It Out?

When it comes to storing bread, the best option is usually to leave it out.

By leaving bread out of the fridge, you create a warm, moist environment that helps keep it fresh and soft for longer than if it were stored in a colder temperature.

That said, if you’re not planning on eating your loaf within a few days, it’s definitely a good idea to store it in the fridge to extend its shelf life.

Just make sure that before consuming it again you let the bread sit out and come back up to room temperature – this will help ensure that your bread remains soft and delicious!


Nobody likes dealing with sticky bread that won’t come off its pans. This is why knowing how to keep it from sticking in the first place is so important!

Whether you use parchment paper, oil/butter, or solid fat like lard or shortening, these methods will all help ensure that you get perfectly baked loaves every time – without having to worry about anything getting stuck on!

Taking these steps will ensure that all your bread comes out perfectly every time – no more dealing with frustrating stuck pieces! Do you have any tricks for preventing sticky bread? Share them in the comments below!

So next time you go to bake some delicious bread at home, make sure to give one of these methods a try! You won’t regret it!

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About the author

Natalie is a food enthusiast who spends all of her time trying out new recipes, testing out new appliances, and making her kitchen as awesome as possible. She is a professional writer and blogs here about her love of food & kitchen.

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