Can You Refreeze Bread? If Yes Then How?

Have you ever bought too much bread and needed to store it for later?

Or maybe you accidentally left your loaf of bread out for a few hours, and now it’s not as fresh as you’d like. Refreezing bread may seem like the answer.

But is it safe? Let’s take a look at what happens when you refreeze bread, and how to do so safely. 


Can You Refreeze Bread?

When it comes to bread, the decision of whether or not you can refreeze it depends on the type of bread that you have.

Bread that is made with fats and oils, such as croissants and pastries, should not be refrozen after thawing because these ingredients can become rancid when exposed to extreme changes in temperature.

a half cut loaf of bread placed beside butter - can i refreeze bread

However, bread that is made with no fat or oil can be refrozen after thawing but it might have a different texture than before.

It is also important to note that any bread that has been thawed and refrozen should not be consumed.

What Happens When You Refreeze Bread? 

The simple answer is that freezing and thawing bread multiple times can cause the texture to change.

The dough will become tough, sticky, or crumbly when defrosted because the gluten proteins have broken down due to repeated freezing and thawing.

However, if the bread was frozen in an airtight container or wrapped tightly in plastic wrap before being refrozen, it may still be edible after thawing. 

How to Freeze/Refreeze Bread Correctly?

Keep reading to learn more about the best ways to refreeze bread correctly. 

1. Cooling Before Refreezing:

The first step in correctly refreezing bread is to make sure it’s cooled down enough before placing it back in the freezer.

Placing warm or hot food directly into the freezer will cause the internal temperature of your freezer to rise, which can affect other frozen items and cause them to partially thaw.

To avoid this, let your bread cool completely on a wire rack before freezing it.

This way, you don’t have to worry about ruining any of your other frozen items when putting your bread back in the freezer. 

2. Using an Airtight Container 

Once your bread has cooled down sufficiently, it’s time for packaging!

To ensure that your bread stays fresh and doesn’t absorb any odors from other items in the freezer, store it in an airtight container or resealable bag.

This will also help keep out moisture so that your bread doesn’t get soggy when refrozen.

When sealed properly, most types of bread should last up to three months stored in the freezer. 

3. Adding Moisture 

If you’re worried about drying out during refreezing, there are a few things you can do to minimize this risk.

For example, lightly misting with a spray bottle full of water will help keep moisture locked inside while still allowing some air circulation around the loaf of bread.

You could also wrap your loaf tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil before placing it into an airtight container or resealable bag for added protection against drying out while frozen.  

4. Thaw the Bread in the Refrigerator 

Thaw your bread in a cold place, such as the refrigerator or freezer.

You should leave it in the refrigerator overnight or for at least 8 hours until it’s completely thawed out.

This will ensure that all of the moisture is evenly distributed throughout the loaf, making it easier to refreeze later on. 

5. Freeze Your Bread on a Flat Surface 

Finally, make sure that you freeze your loaf of bread on a flat surface so that all sides are exposed equally and none of them become too frozen while others remain soft and mushy due to uneven temperatures inside the freezer compartment.

This will help keep each slice as fresh and flavorful as possible once you’re ready to thaw them out again later on down the line!

How to Thaw Frozen Bread Efficiently?

Keep reading for some simple tips on how to quickly and easily thaw frozen bread. 

1. The Oven Method 

One of the quickest ways to thaw a loaf of frozen bread is by using your oven. Preheat your oven to 200°F (93°C).

Then, take your frozen loaf of bread and place it directly on the oven rack. Let it bake for about 15 minutes or until it has fully thawed.

Your frozen loaf should now be soft enough to slice and serve!

Note that this method works best for store-bought loaves that are sealed in plastic wrap or aluminum foil.  

2. The Microwave Method 

If you need your bread thawed even faster, the microwave is another great option.

Just grab a microwavable plate and place your loaf onto it (make sure it won’t stick).

Then, put the plate into the microwave and set it on medium heat for 30 seconds at a time. Check on the loaf every 30 seconds until it is completely thawed out (it should take no more than 2 minutes).

Once complete, let the loaf sit for 5 minutes before slicing and serving. This method works well for store-bought loaves as well as freshly baked homemade loaves that are sealed in plastic wrap or aluminum foil. 

3. The Countertop Method 

Finally, if you have some extra time on hand but don’t want to use an oven or microwave, then try this countertop method instead!

Simply place your frozen loaf onto your kitchen counter (on top of a cutting board or plate) and cover it with either a damp towel or paper towel.

Leave the covered loaf on the countertop at room temperature until it has fully thawed (this usually takes 1-2 hours depending on how thickly sliced your bread is).

Once done, remove the towel and serve immediately!  

Note that this method works best for homemade loaves that have been individually wrapped in wax paper rather than plastic wrap/aluminum foil.  

When Shouldn’t You Refreeze Bread?

Now that you know how to thaw and refreeze bread, it’s important to remember that not all types of bread should be put back into the freezer.

For example, you should never refreeze store-bought loaves that have already been frozen once before.

This is because the moisture from the first freezing will have compromised the original freshness and texture of the bread.

In this case, it’s best to just eat the loaf in one sitting or give it away. 

Can You Refreeze Bread That Has Been Defrosted?

Yes, you can refreeze bread that has been defrosted as long as it’s done properly.

Make sure to wrap your loaf in multiple layers of plastic wrap or aluminum foil before putting it back into the freezer. This will keep the moisture levels inside your bread from evaporating and help prevent freezer burn.

Also, make sure to freeze your bread on a flat surface so that all sides of the loaf are exposed to an even temperature.

How Long Is Bread Good for After Removing From Freezer?

Once you have thawed a frozen loaf of bread, it should be consumed within 3-5 days.

This will help ensure that your bread stays fresh and flavorful for as long as possible.

Any leftovers can be stored in an airtight container and placed inside the refrigerator until ready to enjoy again!

How Many Times Can You Refreeze Bread?

If you’re looking to extend the shelf life of your bread, it is safe to refreeze a loaf up to three times.

However, this should only be done if the loaf has been properly packaged and stored in an airtight container before being put back into the freezer.

Otherwise, you risk compromising the original freshness and texture of the bread.

Is It Safe to Refreeze Bread Dough?

Yes, it is safe to refreeze bread dough as long as it has been properly stored in an airtight container.

This will help prevent freezer burn and keep your dough just as fresh and fluffy as when you first made it!


Refreezing can negatively affect the texture of your bread; however, if done correctly with proper packaging materials such as plastic wrap and airtight containers/freezer bags, refreezing can extend its shelf-life without sacrificing quality too much.

Be sure to let any frozen food fully thaw before cooking or reheating it; otherwise, you risk compromising its taste and texture!

With these tips in mind, you’ll never have to worry about throwing away stale loaves of bread ever again!

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About the author

Natalie is a food enthusiast who spends all of her time trying out new recipes, testing out new appliances, and making her kitchen as awesome as possible. She is a professional writer and blogs here about her love of food & kitchen.

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