Reheating Steak in an Air Fryer: Tips & Considerations 

There’s nothing quite like a juicy steak—but what happens when you cook too much and have leftovers?

Is reheating steak in an air fryer safe, and if so, how should you go about it? Fortunately, the answer is yes—you can safely reheat steak with the help of an air fryer.

Read on to learn the best way to reheat steak in your air fryer. 


How To Reheat Steak In An Air Fryer?

Here’s a step-by-step guide on reheating steak in an air fryer:

  • The first step is to place your leftover steak in the preheated air fryer basket.
  • Make sure that it’s not overcrowded; if necessary, cut larger pieces into smaller chunks so that each piece has enough space around it for optimal cooking.
  • Set the temperature to 350°F and cook for 8 minutes before flipping each piece over and cooking for another 3 minutes.
  • It’s essential to keep an eye on the temperature as well as the time—if your steak starts to get too brown or crisp on one side before the other side is done cooking, turn down the heat a bit and continue cooking until both sides are heated through evenly.  
  • Once your steak has been cooked thoroughly, remove it from the basket and let it rest for 5 minutes before serving or slicing it into smaller pieces for sandwiches or salads. This resting period helps seal in all of those juices you want!

The Benefits of Reheating Steak in an Air Fryer:

Reheating steak in an air fryer has numerous benefits.

  • First, it’s much faster than using a traditional oven or stovetop method.
  • Additionally, since the air fryer works by circulating hot air around your food, your steak will be evenly heated with minimal effort on your part.
  • Finally, air frying is a healthy alternative to deep-frying because it requires little-to-no oil.  

How Do You Reheat Steak in the Air Fryer Without Drying It Out?

The key to reheating steak in an air fryer without drying it out is to use the right temperature and time.

As mentioned earlier, 350°F for 8 minutes before flipping, then another 3 minutes should do the trick.

Reheating Steak in an Air Fryer

Additionally, since the air fryer works by circulating hot air around your food, you’ll want to make sure that the steak is cooked evenly on both sides. Turn down the heat if one side starts to get too brown or crisp before the other side is done cooking.

Finally, remember to let your steak rest for 5 minutes before serving—this will help seal in all of those delicious juices and ensure a juicy, flavorful steak! 

How Long Do You Reheat Meat in an Air Fryer?

The best way to reheat meat in an air fryer is to preheat it to 350°F and cook for 8 minutes before flipping each piece over and cooking for another 3 minutes.

However, the exact time can vary based on the size and type of your steak—thicker cuts will take longer, while thinner slices won’t need as much time.

It’s essential to monitor the temperature and keep an eye on your steak so that it doesn’t get too brown or crisp on one side before the other side is done cooking. 

Can You Reheat Medium Rare Steak In the Air Fryer?

Yes, you can reheat medium-rare steak in the air fryer.

It’s important to note that the steak will cook a bit further as it heats up—so if you want it to remain medium-rare, monitor the temperature and time closely.

– Here’s How:

  • To reheat medium-rare steak in the air fryer, preheat the air fryer to 350°F and cook for 8 minutes before flipping each piece over and cooking for another 3 minutes.
  • It’s essential to keep an eye on your steak so that it doesn’t get too brown or crisp on one side before the other side is done cooking.
  • Finally, let your steak rest for 5 minutes before serving—this will help seal in all of those delicious juices and ensure a juicy, flavorful steak!

What Are the Benefits of Reheating Steak in the Air Fryer Compared to an Oven?

Reheating steak in an air fryer compared to an oven has a few key advantages.

  • First, the air fryer requires less energy and preheats faster than a traditional oven. In addition, since the air fryer works by circulating hot air around your food, your steak will be evenly heated with minimal effort on your part.
  • Finally, an air fryer can help to seal in all of those juices and flavors you want—ensuring a juicy, flavorful steak every time.

So if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to reheat steak, the air fryer is definitely the way to go!

Can I Reheat Steak Wrapped in Foil in Air Fryer?

Yes, you can reheat steak wrapped in foil in the air fryer.

However, it’s important to note that the steak will cook a bit further as it heats up—so if you want your steak to remain medium-rare or rare, monitor the temperature and time closely.

– Here’s how:

To reheat steak wrapped in foil in an air fryer, preheat the air fryer to 350°F and cook for 8 minutes before flipping each piece over and cooking for another 3 minutes.

Can You Reheat Sliced Steak in the Air Fryer?

Yes, you can reheat sliced steak in the air fryer.

It’s important to note that thinner slices will require less cooking time than thicker cuts—so keep an eye on your steak so that it doesn’t become too brown or crisp.

– Here’s how:

To reheat sliced steak in the air fryer, preheat the air fryer to 350°F and cook for 8 minutes before flipping each piece over and cooking for another 3 minutes.

It’s essential to monitor the temperature and keep an eye on your steak.

What to Consider When Cooking and Reheating Steak in an Air Fryer?

Let’s take a look at what you need to know about cooking and reheating steak in an air fryer. 

1. Selecting the Right Cut of Steak 

The type of cut of steak that you choose will have a major impact on how well it cooks in the air fryer. You should stick with cuts that are relatively thin, such as sirloin, flank steak, or skirt steak. Thicker cuts may not cook evenly because they take longer to heat through to the center.

The closer to room temperature the steak is when it goes into the air fryer, the better.

That means that if you’re pulling steaks out of the refrigerator right before putting them into your air fryer, they may not cook as evenly as they would starting at room temperature. 

2. Seasoning Your Steak 

When seasoning your steaks before placing them in your air fryer, less is more!

Too much oil or butter can cause flare-ups while cooking which could damage both your food and your appliance.

Stick with just salt and pepper or other light seasonings that won’t add too much fat to your meal but will still give it plenty of flavors. 

3. Reheating Steak 

If you already have cooked steaks on hand that you want to reheat in an air fryer, remember this rule: always preheat the appliance first!

Preheating ensures that your steak will cook evenly all around instead of drying out on one side while waiting for the other side to catch up with the heat from inside your machine.

This will also help ensure that any bacteria present is killed off quickly by bringing it up to high enough temperatures during the reheating process so that it doesn’t make anyone sick later on down the line when eating leftovers.

Finally, always use tongs when taking out steaks from an air fryer—metal utensils can cause damage if used improperly!       

Ways to Enjoy Steak After Reheating in the Air Fryer?

Once you have finished preparing your steak in the air fryer, there are plenty of different ways that you can enjoy it!

  • One classic way is by making a delicious “surf and turf” dish by adding some shrimp or lobster on top of your freshly reheated steak.
  • If you want something more classic but still flavorful, try making an herb butter sauce using fresh herbs such as parsley or rosemary to really bring out all those delicious flavors from the meat.
  • You could also cut up your steaks into smaller pieces and serve them over a bed of greens topped with other vegetables such as tomatoes and onions for a light but filling meal.

If you’re feeling adventurous, try adding some spices such as cumin or paprika when seasoning your steaks before reheating them in the air fryer! 


Reheating steaks should no longer be intimidating! With an air fryer, getting that tender juiciness back into those steaks is easy and convenient.

And once they are cooked up right again, there are plenty of ways to enjoy them besides having them plain – from surf & turf dishes to salads topped with meaty goodness – there’s something here for everyone!

Reheating leftover steak doesn’t have to be daunting; with just a few simple steps, you can turn day-old steaks into delicious meals with minimal effort. Using an air fryer is hands-down one of the best methods for reheating steaks—it’s fast, efficient, and produces delicious results every time!

So next time you find yourself with leftover steaks at home or work, be sure to try this method—you won’t regret it!

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About the author

Natalie is a food enthusiast who spends all of her time trying out new recipes, testing out new appliances, and making her kitchen as awesome as possible. She is a professional writer and blogs here about her love of food & kitchen.

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