Reheating Ribs in an Air Fryer: The Correct Way

Leftover ribs can still be incredibly tasty and juicy, but reheating them requires a bit of knowledge and technique.

If you’ve got an air fryer, you’re in luck! Reheating ribs in an air fryer is a great way to get juicy, tender ribs that taste like they were just cooked.

Let’s break down how to do it so you can enjoy delicious ribs every time. 


How Do You Reheat Ribs In an Air Fryer So They Are Moist?

The key to moist, flavorful ribs is to heat them at a low temperature for a longer period of time. This allows the flavors to seep into the meat, creating juicy and tender results.

  • To begin heating your pre-cooked ribs in your air fryer, preheat it to 250°F (121°C).
  • Place the ribs in the basket (or whatever accessory comes with your air fryer) and cover them with foil or parchment paper.
  • Heat for 20 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 165°F (74°C). 
  • To ensure even heat distribution while reheating ribs in an air fryer, remember to check on them halfway through cooking and give them a light shake or stir if needed.
  • You don’t want any part of the meat sticking to the sides or bottom of the basket during reheating as this could lead to uneven cooking temperatures and dry spots on your ribs. 
  • After 20 minutes have elapsed, take out your ribs and brush on some barbeque sauce if desired.

Then set your air fryer to 375°F (190°C) for 5 more minutes so that the sauce caramelizes onto the surface of the rib meat – giving it that classic BBQ flavor we all know and love. 

How Long Does It Take To Reheat Cooked Ribs in An Air Fryer?

It typically takes 25 minutes for reheating ribs in an air fryer. This includes time to preheat the appliance, cook the ribs at a low temperature for 20 minutes, and finish with a quick 5-minute high-heat caramelization stage.

Remember that all ovens vary slightly, so be sure to check your food’s internal temperature with a meat thermometer to ensure it’s cooked through.

And there you have it: juicy, tender ribs every time with minimal effort!

So the next time you’re wondering what to do with those leftovers, look no further than your air fryer for a delicious meal.

Are Reheated Ribs Good?

Reheating ribs in an air fryer can make them just as good, if not better, than when they were first cooked.

The low-temperature cooking ensures that the moisture stays locked into the meat and the high-heat caramelization step adds a delicious flavor you won’t get with regular reheating. Enjoy!

How Do I Keep Ribs From Drying in My Air Fryer?

The best way to keep ribs from drying out in your air fryer is to cook them at a low temperature for a longer period of time. This allows the flavors to seep into the meat and creates juicy, tender results.

Also, make sure that you check on the ribs halfway through cooking and give them a light shake or stir. This will ensure even heat distribution and prevent any part of the meat from sticking to the sides or bottom of the basket.

Finally, brush on some barbeque sauce before setting your air fryer to a high temperature for 5 minutes. This helps create that classic BBQ flavor without drying out the ribs.

Why Use an Air Fryer to Reheat Ribs?

Using an air fryer to reheat your ribs is a great way to get juicy, tender results every time.

The low-temperature cooking ensures that the moisture stays locked into the meat and the high-heat caramelization step adds a delicious flavor you won’t get with regular reheating.

Additionally, it only takes 25 minutes to cook the ribs in an air fryer, making it a quick and convenient option for those busy weeknight dinners.

So now that you know how to reheat ribs in an air fryer, all that’s left to do is fire up your appliance and get cooking!

Can You Reheat Ribs in the Microwave?

It is not recommended to reheat ribs in the microwave as this will cause them to dry out. The microwave cooks food quickly but does not allow for even heat distribution, which could lead to uneven cooking temperatures and dry spots on your ribs.

Additionally, microwaves do not give your ribs that classic BBQ flavor like an air fryer does.

Finally, microwaving your ribs will not give you the crispy texture that air frying does – so if you’re after a delicious meal, it’s best to use an air fryer.

Which Is Better to Reheat Ribs: Oven or Air Fryer?

Let’s break down how each method works. 

1. Oven Method 

The oven is probably the most common way to reheat ribs—and it’s still a great option.

  • Preheat your oven to 250 degrees Fahrenheit and line a baking sheet with aluminum foil.
  • Place the ribs on the foil-lined baking sheet and cover them with another sheet of aluminum foil.
  • Bake them in the oven for approximately 20 minutes, until they reach an internal temperature of at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit (use a meat thermometer to check). Remove them from the oven and enjoy! 

2. Air Fryer Method  

Reheating ribs in an air fryer is also a great option because it takes less time than using an oven and it helps preserve their moisture without drying them out.

  • For Reheating ribs in an air fryer, preheat it to 375 degrees Fahrenheit and place the ribs inside.
  • Cook for 8 minutes or until they reach an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit (again, use a meat thermometer!)
  • Serve immediately after removing from the air fryer for optimal texture and flavor. 

Both methods produce delicious results when reheating your leftover ribs; however, each has its own advantages depending on your preferences and needs.

The oven method takes slightly longer but gives you more control over how crispy or tender you want your ribs to be. Reheating ribs in an air fryer method requires less time but may dry out your pork if not watched closely during cooking.

How Many Times Can Ribs Be Reheated?

It is best to only reheat your ribs once, as this will ensure that the meat stays moist and flavorful.

Reheating ribs in an air fryer more than once can cause the pork to become dry and tough, so try to avoid doing this if possible.

Additionally, it is important to throw away any leftovers that have been sitting out for more than two hours, as this can lead to foodborne illness.

How to Reheat Ribs in the Oven?

Preheat your oven to 250 degrees Fahrenheit and line a baking sheet with aluminum foil.

Place the ribs on the foil-lined baking sheet and cover them with another sheet of aluminum foil.

Bake them in the oven for approximately 20 minutes, until they reach an internal temperature of at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit (use a meat thermometer to check).

Remove them from the oven and enjoy!


Reheating ribs in an air fryer can be tricky business but it doesn’t have to be!

By following these instructions for heating up your leftovers in an air fryer, you can enjoy delicious smoked rib flavors without having to fire up the smoker again!

Always make sure you are heating up food at safe temperatures and inspect your food before consuming it after reheating in order to ensure maximum safety when cooking with an air fryer. Enjoy!

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About the author

Natalie is a food enthusiast who spends all of her time trying out new recipes, testing out new appliances, and making her kitchen as awesome as possible. She is a professional writer and blogs here about her love of food & kitchen.

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