Can You Boil Frozen Chicken Without Thawing It?

Cooking frozen chicken can seem like a tricky endeavor, especially when it comes to boiling. Can you safely boil frozen chicken, or should you always thaw it first?

Let’s break down the facts and explore the best practices for boiling frozen chicken. 


Is It Ok To Boil Frozen Chicken Without Thawing It?

Yes, you can boil frozen chicken without thawing it first – however, you should take extra precautions to ensure that your food is cooked through sufficiently.

As previously mentioned, it’s important to use a thermometer and check for an internal temperature of 165°F (75°C). It’s also important to note that boiling frozen chicken is likely to take at least 50% longer than defrosted chicken.

Overall, it’s not recommended to boil frozen chicken without defrosting it first – this increases the risk of foodborne illness due to bacteria growth on the outside edges of the meat.

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If you do choose to boil frozen chicken, take extra steps such as using a thermometer and ensuring that the pieces are in a single layer inside the pot. Doing so will help to ensure even cooking within your meal.  

However, it’s best practice to always thaw chicken before boiling it to reduce potential food safety hazards.

Is It Safe to Boil Frozen Chicken?

Yes, it is safe to boil frozen chicken – but only if you take certain precautions.

When you boil frozen chicken, it takes longer for the heat to penetrate through the meat and reach an internal temperature of 165°F (75°C). This means that harmful bacteria have more time to grow and spread throughout your meal.

As such, the USDA recommends that you thaw the chicken before boiling it.

However, if you do choose to boil frozen chicken, there are certain steps that you can take to make sure that your food is safe to eat. 

  • First and foremost, make sure that your saucepan is big enough so that all of the pieces of chicken can fit in a single layer.
  • If they’re stacked on top of one another, some parts may not get heated through sufficiently.
  • Also, ensure that your pot has a lid so that heat stays trapped inside while cooking. It’s also important to use a thermometer while boiling frozen chicken – this will help you gauge when the meat has reached an internal temperature of 165°F (75°C).
  • It’s not recommended to rely on external factors such as color or texture; these indicators may be inaccurate due to bacteria growth on the outside edges of the meat. 
  • Lastly, avoid partially boiling your frozen chicken as this could result in uneven cooking which can lead to undercooked areas within your meal.
  • Once boiled, it’s important that you refrigerate any leftovers within two hours after cooking – anything left out longer than this increases food safety concerns and makes it unsafe for consumption. 

Is It Ok to Poach Frozen Chicken?

Yes, it is ok to poach frozen chicken – however, the time and temperature for poaching may vary.

Typically, when poached chicken is defrosted first, it should be cooked in boiling water for 10-12 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 165°F (75°C).

When cooking from frozen, you should increase the cooking time to 15-20 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 165°F (75°C).

Poaching is a great way to cook chicken as it helps to keep it moist, tender, and flavorful.

When done correctly, poached frozen chicken can be just as delicious as defrosted chicken.

However, when poached from frozen, it’s important to use a thermometer and check for an internal temperature of 165°F (75°C) – this will help ensure your food is safe to eat.

What Happens if You Cook Frozen Chicken Without Thawing It?

If you cook frozen chicken without thawing it first, it’s likely to take at least 50% longer than if you thawed the meat first.

This means that there is an increased risk for bacteria growth on the outside edges of the meat, which can potentially lead to foodborne illness.

Additionally, cooking frozen chicken without defrosting it first may result in uneven cooking which can lead to undercooked areas within your meal.

Uneven cooking increases the risk of food safety concerns and makes it unsafe for consumption.

Overall, it’s not recommended to cook frozen chicken without thawing it first – this increases potential food safety hazards.

How Long Does It Take To Poach a Frozen Chicken Breast?

Typically, when poached chicken is defrosted first, it should be cooked in boiling water for 10-12 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 165°F (75°C).

When cooking from frozen, you should increase the cooking time to 15-20 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 165°F (75°C).

It’s important to use a thermometer and check for an internal temperature of 165°F (75°C) when poaching frozen chicken. Doing so will help to ensure that your food is cooked through sufficiently and safe to eat.

You can also reduce the cooking time by cutting the chicken into smaller pieces before poaching – this will help to ensure that the chicken is cooked through thoroughly without taking too long.

However, it’s best practice to thaw chicken before poaching as this reduces potential food safety hazards.

What’s the Best Way to Cook Frozen Chicken?

Let’s explore the best ways to cook frozen chicken for a delicious, juicy meal. 

1. The Oven Method 

One of the most popular methods for cooking frozen chicken is in the oven.

Preheat your oven to 375°F and place your frozen chicken on a baking sheet lined with foil or parchment paper.

Brush the chicken with oil and season as desired before baking for 30-45 minutes (depending on size) or until an internal temperature of 165°F is reached.

Make sure to turn the chicken over halfway through the cooking time so that it cooks evenly. 

2. The Slow Cooker Method:

If you have some extra time, using your slow cooker is a great way to make sure your frozen chicken comes out perfectly tender every time.

Place your frozen chicken in the slow cooker and add 1/4 cup of liquid like broth or water. Cover and set on low heat for 4-5 hours or until an internal temperature of 165°F is reached. This method is also great if you want to make use of any vegetables in the mix! 

3. The Instant Pot Method:

This method takes far less time than either of the other two methods but still yields incredibly tender and flavorful results!

Begin by setting your Instant Pot on its sauté setting; once it’s hot, add some oil and then place your frozen chicken inside. Allow it to cook for 3 minutes before flipping it over and allowing it to cook for another 3 minutes.

Then, pour in 1 cup of liquid such as broth or water before sealing up the lid and setting the pressure cooker at high pressure for 12-15 minutes (depending on size).

When done cooking, allow the pressure valve to release naturally before carefully opening up the lid.  

When Should You Not Use Frozen Chicken?

When it comes to food safety, the frozen chicken should not be used if it has been thawed and then left at room temperature for more than 2 hours.

Additionally, the frozen chicken should not be used if it has an unusual texture or smell as this can indicate spoilage or contamination.

Finally, frozen chicken should never be cooked in a microwave as this can lead to uneven heating and undercooked areas.

Furthermore, microwaving frozen chicken increases the risk of food safety concerns which makes it unsafe for consumption.

How Long Does It Take To Boil Frozen Chicken?

Boiling frozen chicken typically takes around 20-30 minutes, depending on the size of the pieces.

To ensure that your chicken is cooked thoroughly, use a thermometer and check for an internal temperature of 165°F (75°C).

Additionally, you can reduce the cooking time by cutting up the chicken before boiling – this will help ensure that the chicken is cooked through safely and quickly.

No matter how you choose to cook your frozen chicken, it’s important to use proper food safety techniques such as thawing and checking for an internal temperature. Doing so will help ensure that your meal is delicious, safe, and nutritious!

Can You Get Salmonella From Boiling Frozen Chicken?

Although it is possible to get Salmonella from consuming undercooked chicken, boiling frozen chicken can help reduce the risk of this foodborne illness.

To ensure that your chicken is cooked through safely and thoroughly, use a thermometer and check for an internal temperature of 165°F (75°C).

Additionally, if you’re using a slow cooker or Instant Pot to cook your frozen chicken, make sure that the pressure has been released before opening and serving.                                                    


Boiling frozen chicken isn’t necessarily risky – but there are certain risks involved if proper precautions aren’t taken during preparation and storage.

The safest way is still to thaw your meat before boiling; however, if time is limited or if you forget to defrost your ingredients beforehand then boiling frozen chicken remains an option as long as all safety guidelines are followed closely throughout preparation and storage processes.

Taking these extra steps will ensure that your meal is cooked properly while also reducing any potential food safety risks associated with eating undercooked poultry products.

As always, it’s important to exercise caution when cooking chicken and use a thermometer to check for an internal temperature of 165°F (75°C). Doing so will help ensure that your meal is cooked properly and safe to eat. ​

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About the author

Natalie is a food enthusiast who spends all of her time trying out new recipes, testing out new appliances, and making her kitchen as awesome as possible. She is a professional writer and blogs here about her love of food & kitchen.

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