Blintz and Crepes: How to Make Them, Difference, And More

Have you ever enjoyed a blintz or a crepe?

If so, you’ve probably noticed that these two dishes look and taste quite similar.

What’s the difference between blintzes and crepes? Both are thin, pancake-like dishes – but what sets them apart? How do you make them? And what can you put inside them?

Read on for all the details!


What’s the Difference Between Blintz and Crepes?

Blintzes and crepes are both thin pancakes made from batter.

The main difference between the two is that blintzes are usually filled with something before they are cooked. Popular fillings include cheese, fruits like apples or cherries, as well as meat.

On the other hand, crepes are not traditionally filled with anything other than perhaps some butter or sugar for sweet crepes. 

– The Difference in Taste 

When it comes to taste, there is also a bit of a difference between blintzes and crepes. Blintzes tend to be slightly thicker than crepes because of their filling.

As such, they can have an almost doughy texture when compared to their lighter counterpart.

Additionally, most fillings used in blintzes contain savory ingredients such as cheese or meat which will make them more savory in flavor compared to plain crepes.  

Additionally, sweet blintzes often have added spices such as cinnamon or nutmeg which adds another layer of flavor that may not be found in a traditional crepe recipe.

Sweeteners such as honey or jam can also be used when making sweet blintzes while sweet crepes usually just contain sugar and butter but no additional flavors.  

What Goes Well With Cheese Blintzes?

Cheese blintzes are a classic favorite, and there are many dishes that pair well with them. A side of sour cream or plain yogurt is traditionally served alongside cheese blintzes to add a cooling element to the rich flavors of the dish.

A simple salad made up of greens and vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers also go well with cheese blintzes.

Fruit compote or jam is another popular accompaniment to cheese blintzes, as it adds a sweet contrast to the savory, cheesy flavors of the dish.

Finally, roasted potatoes are an excellent side dish for cheese blintzes!

Overall, blintzes and crepes are two dishes that may look and taste similar but have some subtle differences. Knowing the difference between blintzes and crepes can help you decide which dish you would like to make or enjoy!

And no matter what kind of blintz you choose to whip up, there is a variety of side dishes and accompaniments that can help bring out its flavors even more.

Where Are Cheese Blintz From?

Cheese blintzes are said to have originated in Eastern Europe, although the exact origin is unclear. In Yiddish, blintzes are referred to as “blin” and were traditionally served during holidays or special occasions.

The traditional cheese filling for blintzes was made from farmer’s cheese which was a popular ingredient in Eastern Europe due to its accessibility.

Nowadays, cheese blintzes can be found all over the world and are often served with a variety of accompaniments such as sour cream, fruit compote, or roasted potatoes.

Regardless of where they originated, cheese blintzes remain a delicious treat that is sure to please everyone!

What Are Blintzes Made Of?

Blintzes are traditionally made from a batter of eggs, flour, and milk. The batter is then cooked in a pan to form thin pancakes which can be filled with a variety of ingredients such as cheese, fruits, or meats.

Once the filling has been added, the blintzes are then folded over to form a semi-circle shape and then fried or baked until golden brown.

Blintzes are often served with a side of sour cream or plain yogurt to contrast the rich flavors of the dish.

A variety of accompaniments can be used with blintzes, including fruit compote, roasted potatoes, and jam for sweet blintzes.

How Many Calories Are in a Cheese Blintz?

The number of calories in a cheese blintz will depend on the type and quantity of ingredients used. On average, one small cheese blintz contains approximately 150-170 calories.

This is slightly lower than other types of filled pancakes such as potato latkes which contain around 200-250 calories per serving.

What Nationality Is a Blintz?

Blintzes are a traditional Eastern European dish that is often served during holidays or special occasions. The exact origin of blintzes is unclear, but they have been popular in Eastern Europe for centuries.

Nowadays, cheese blintzes can be found all over the world and are enjoyed by people from many different cultures and nationalities.

Overall, blintzes are a delicious dish that is sure to please everyone!

Hope this answers your question!

What’s the Difference Between a Bellini and a Crepe?

Bellinis and crepes are two dishes that look and taste similar but have some subtle differences.

Bellinis are usually made with a sweet batter of eggs, sugar, flour, and milk while crepes use a savory batter typically made from only eggs, flour, and water.

Bellini served in a plate

The texture of bellinis is slightly denser than crepes as they are cooked in a pan with butter, while crepes use oil or butter.

The main difference between bellinis and crepes is their intended purpose – bellinis are typically served as a dessert while crepes are typically served as an appetizer or main dish.

Bellinis can be filled with sweet ingredients such as fruits, jams, whipped cream, and chocolate while crepes can be filled with savory ingredients such as vegetables, meats, and cheese.

Overall, bellinis and crepes are two dishes that may look and taste similar but have some subtle differences. Knowing the difference between bellinis and crepes can help you decide which dish is right for your next meal!

Why Is It Called Crepe Suzette?

Crepe Suzette is a French dessert made of thin crepes that are served with orange or Grand Marnier liqueur, butter, and sugar. The dish is traditionally prepared by soaking the crepes in an orange sauce which is then lightly flambéed.

The dish has become a classic French dessert and is enjoyed all over the world. Its name was derived from the French words for “crepe” (crêpe) and “sweet” (Suzette).

What Goes Well With Blintz Souffle?

Blintz soufflé is a classic dish that can be served as an appetizer or main course.

This light and the fluffy dish is composed of cheese blintzes, milk, eggs, and butter which are all combined to create a creamy and delicious soufflé.

It pairs especially well with fresh seasonal vegetables such as steamed or roasted asparagus, carrots, or green beans.

Additionally, it can also be served with a side of fresh fruit salad for added sweetness and contrast.

Since blintz soufflé is rich and creamy in flavor, it goes well with light wines such as Riesling or Sauvignon Blanc. For a more savory pairing, try a light beer or a dry cider.

Overall, blintz soufflé is an easy and delicious dish that can be enjoyed with a variety of side dishes and drinks for added flavor! Hope this answers your question!

What Do You Eat With Potato Blintzes?

Potato blintzes are a delicious and hearty dish that is typically served as an appetizer or main course. This dish consists of a potato filling wrapped in a thin crepe-like pancake, which is then fried until golden brown.

Potato blintzes can be enjoyed with various accompaniments to make the dish more flavorful and interesting.

potato blintz

For a savory accompaniment, try serving blintzes with sour cream or applesauce, as the acidity of these condiments will nicely contrast the richness of the potatoes and pancake.

For a more complete meal, potato blintzes can be served with a side of vegetables such as roasted asparagus or Brussels sprouts. For a sweet accompaniment, try serving blintzes with a side of fresh fruit like strawberries or raspberries.

Overall, potato blintzes are a delicious and hearty dish that can be enjoyed with various accompaniments for added flavor and texture! Hope this answers your question!

Are Crepes French or Russian?

Crepes are a type of thin pancake that is popular in many parts of the world. While they are widely known as French delicacies, crepes actually originated in Russia during the 12th century.

At this time, crepes were made with buckwheat flour and served as a savory dish. In the 16th century, crepes made with wheat flour were introduced to France where they quickly became a popular street food.

Today, crepes can be found all over the world in both savory and sweet varieties. From France to Russia, and everywhere in between, these thin pancakes are a beloved international dish that is enjoyed by many!

What Is Crepe Made up Of?

Crepes are thin, flat pancake that is made from wheat flour, milk, eggs, and butter. The batter is generally mixed together until it is smooth and then cooked in a shallow pan or griddle until lightly golden on both sides.

Crepes can be filled with either sweet or savory ingredients such as cheese, meats, fruits, or chocolate. They are often served as an appetizer or main course and can be enjoyed with a variety of accompaniments for added flavor.

Overall, crepes are a delicious and versatile dish that is popular all over the world. With its wide range of fillings and accompaniments, it’s easy

to see why this beloved pancake has been around for centuries! Hope this answers your question!

Are Crepes Healthy?

Crepes can be a healthy part of your diet as long as they are prepared properly. However, it is important to note that some crepes are made with more fat and sugar than others depending on the ingredients used in the recipe.

For example, sweet crepes usually contain more sugar and/or butter than savory ones.

When preparing crepes at home, it is best to use whole wheat flour and low-fat dairy products such as skim milk or 2% yogurt.

Additionally, try using healthier ingredients such as mashed bananas, applesauce, or nuts for sweetness instead of adding extra sugar.

Overall, crepes can be a healthy part of your diet when prepared with nutritious ingredients. Hope this answers your question!

Are Crepes Junk Food?

Crepes are not usually considered to be junk food as long as they are made with healthy ingredients. However, some crepes may contain more fat and sugar than others depending on the recipe used.

For example, sweet crepes typically contain more butter and/or sugar than savory ones.

When making crepes at home, it is best to use whole wheat flour, low-fat dairy products, and healthier ingredients such as mashed bananas, applesauce, or nuts for sweetness instead of adding extra sugar.

Overall, crepes can be a nutritious snack if prepared with healthy ingredients.

Is Crepe Good for Weight Loss?

Crepes can be a good option for weight loss as long as they are prepared properly. As with all foods, it is important to pay attention to the ingredients used in the recipe.

When making crepes at home, try to use whole wheat flour and low-fat dairy products such as skim milk or 2% yogurt.

Additionally, avoid adding too much sugar or butter.

Another way to make crepes a healthy part of your diet is to use nutritious ingredients such as mashed bananas, applesauce, or nuts for sweetness instead of extra sugar. Filling crepes with vegetables and lean proteins can also help boost the nutritional value of this dish.

Do You Eat Crepes Hot or Cold?

Crepes can be enjoyed both hot and cold depending on the recipe used.

Generally speaking, crepes are served warm, but can also be eaten cold if desired. Sweet crepes usually taste best when served warm with a variety of accompaniments such as fruit, chocolate sauce, or whipped cream.

Savory crepes are often served with cheese, meats, and vegetables.

However, crepes can also be enjoyed coldly if desired. Cold crepes are often filled with sweet or savory ingredients such as cheese, meats, fruits, or chocolate and served as a quick snack or light meal.

Overall, crepes can be enjoyed both hot and cold depending on your preference. Hope this answers your question!

When Should You Eat Crepes?

Crepes can be enjoyed at any time of day depending on the recipe used. Sweet crepes are often served as breakfast or dessert, while savory crepes are usually eaten for lunch or dinner.

Additionally, cold crepes filled with sweet or savory ingredients make for a delicious snack.

Overall, when you should eat crepes is entirely up to you. Crepes can be enjoyed at any time of day depending on your preference and the recipe used.

What Can You Serve With Cheese Blintzes?

Cheese blintzes are a type of crepe that is filled with cheese, usually sweet cottage cheese or ricotta. These can be served hot or cold and make for an excellent breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack.

When serving cheese blintzes, there are many delicious accompaniments to choose from. Sweet blintzes often taste best when served with fresh fruit, honey, or jam. Savory blintzes can be eaten with sour cream, yogurt, or a variety of vegetables.

Additionally, both sweet and savory cheese blintzes can be topped with melted butter for an extra flavor boost.

Overall, there are a variety of accompaniments that can be served with cheese blintzes. Hope this answers your question!

How Do You Serve Frozen Blintzes?

Frozen blintzes can be served in a variety of ways. To reheat frozen blintzes, heat a lightly greased skillet over medium-high heat and cook the blintzes until they are golden brown on both sides.

Alternatively, you can place the frozen blintzes on an ungreased baking sheet and bake in a preheated oven at 375°F for about 15 minutes or until golden brown.

For an extra flavor boost, add butter to the pan before adding the blintzes or top with melted butter after reheating.

Finally, frozen blintzes can be served hot or cold depending on your preference and the recipe used. Hope this answers your question!

Can You Freeze Crepes?

Yes, crepes can be frozen. To freeze crepes, wrap them tightly in a layer of plastic and then aluminum foil or place them inside a resealable freezer bag.

When properly stored, frozen crepes will keep for up to three months.

What Is the History of Blintzes?

The history of blintzes dates back to the 16th century. The dish is believed to have originated in Eastern Europe, where it was a popular street food consisting of thin pancakes filled with cheese.

Blintzes were eventually adopted by Jewish immigrants and are now a common part of traditional Jewish cuisine.

Today, the dish has become popular around the world and is commonly served in a variety of forms. Sweet blintzes filled with cheese, fruit, or jam are common breakfast items, while savory versions made with meats and vegetables are often eaten for lunch or dinner.

Overall, blintzes have a long and storied history that has spanned centuries and cultures. Hope this answers your question!

Who Makes Golden Cheese Blintzes?

Golden Cheese Blintzes are a popular brand of crepes that are available in many grocery stores and online retailers.

Golden Cheese Blintzes come in two flavors: original cheese blintzes, which are filled with a creamy cottage cheese filling; and blueberry cheese blintzes, which feature both a sweet cottage cheese filling and blueberry topping.

These blintzes are made with all-natural ingredients and contain no preservatives or artificial flavors.

They are easy to prepare, either in a skillet or the microwave, and can be enjoyed as part of breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even a snack.

Are Blintzes Unhealthy?

No, blintzes are not necessarily unhealthy. While it is true that many store-bought or restaurant versions of blintzes can be higher in fat or sugar, homemade versions can easily be made using healthy ingredients.

For example, using whole grain flour, low-fat cottage cheese, and other nutritious ingredients such as vegetables or fruit can make a delicious and nutritious blintz.

Additionally, adding healthy toppings such as yogurt, sour cream, or fresh fruit can further increase the nutritional value of your blintzes.

Overall, with careful ingredient selection and moderation, it is possible to enjoy blintzes without sacrificing health.

How Many Carbs Are in One Cheese Blintz?

The exact number of carbs in one cheese blintz will depend on the ingredients used to make it. Generally, a single cheese blintz made with white flour and containing only cottage cheese filling has around 34 grams of carbohydrates.

However, if other ingredients are added to the batter or filling, such as sugar or fruit, the carbohydrate content may be higher.

It is also important to note that store-bought or restaurant blintzes can have significantly more carbohydrates due to the use of added sugars and higher fat ingredients such as sour cream or butter.

Hope this answers your question!

How Many Calories Are in Trader Joe’s Blintzes?

Trader Joe’s offers two types of blintzes: cheese and potato. Each blintz contains 160-170 calories, depending on the size of your serving.

Trader Joe’s Blintzes

The cheese blintz has 12 grams of fat, 10 grams of carbohydrates, 5 grams of protein, and 1 gram of fiber. The potato blintz contains 11 grams of fat, 15 grams of carbohydrates, 4 grams of protein, and 2 grams of fiber.

Overall, Trader Joe’s blintzes are fairly low in calories and a good source of protein and fiber.

What Are the Two Types of Crepes?

There are two main types of crepes: sweet and savory. Sweet crepes are made with ingredients such as flour, eggs, milk, butter, and sugar, while savory crepes use more savory ingredients such as vegetables and herbs.

Sweet crepes can be filled with a variety of fillings such as fruit, jam, or Nutella; while savory crepes are often filled with cheese, meats, and vegetables.

Overall, both types of crepes can be enjoyed for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even as a snack!


In summary, both blintzes and crepes are delightful dishes that can be enjoyed at any time of day! The main difference between the two is that blintzes are usually filled with something before cooking while crepes are typically served plain with butter or sugar sprinkled on top for sweetness.

Additionally, the fillings used in blintzes will give them a slightly different texture as well as flavor than plain crepes making them unique and delicious!

So, the next time you’re deciding between a blintz and a crepe, be sure to keep the differences in mind. Whether you choose one or the other (or both!), you’ll be sure to enjoy this tasty treat!

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About the author

Natalie is a food enthusiast who spends all of her time trying out new recipes, testing out new appliances, and making her kitchen as awesome as possible. She is a professional writer and blogs here about her love of food & kitchen.

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