Why is Smoke Coming Out of My Air Fryer?

Imagine using an air fryer to cook your favorite meal but end up getting nothing but smoke in your kitchen. You would definitely be worried and would want to know as to why is smoke coming out of my air fryer, right?

Well, it’s not always a cause for alarm. There are a few reasons why smoke may be coming out of your air fryer, and we’re going to take a look at them all. So, don’t worry, stop freaking our and keep reading to find out more!


Reasons Why Smoke Is Coming Out Of My Air Fryer?

As we said, there is not just one reason why smoke may be coming out of your air fryer. Here are a few possible explanations:

1. The Food Might Be Burning

This is probably the most common reason for smoke coming out of an air fryer. If the food is not cooking evenly or if it’s too thick, it may start to burn. This will create a lot of smoke, and it will be difficult to cook the rest of your food properly.

Yes, you might be thinking that you know the best time for your food to cook and are sure that what’s causing the smoke is not your food. However, sometimes, you are unaware of the Air Fryer temperatures and timings and may miscalculate the time needed for your food to cook.

So, if your air fryer is blessing your with some smelly smoke, the best idea would be to check the food inside and see if it is burning.

2. The Unit Might Be Dirty

This is the second common answer you would get to your question on Why Is Smoke Coming Out Of My Air Fryer. If your air fryer is not clean, it will start to smoke. Untidy air fryers is a mistake everyone with an air fryer shouldn’t make.

This is because the build-up of dirt and food particles will cause the unit to heat up more than usual, and this extra heat will create smoke.

It’s important to clean your air fryer after each use in order to prevent this from happening. The best way to clean it is to use a damp cloth and some dish soap. Make sure that all the parts are completely dry before you put them back together.

3. The Filter May Need to Be Replaced

If your air fryer is smoking, it might be because the filter needs to be replaced. The filters help to keep the smoke and heat from the unit under control, but if they’re not replaced regularly, they will start to get clogged up. This will cause the air fryer to work harder than normal, which will create smoke.

The best way to prevent this from happening is to replace the filters on a regular basis. Most air fryers come with a filter replacement indicator, so you will know when it’s time to replace them.

4. The Pan May Be Dirty

If the pan of your air fryer is dirty, it will also start to smoke. This is because the build-up of food and dirt on the pan will create extra heat, which will cause the smoke alarm to go off.

To prevent this from happening, make sure that you clean the pan after each use. You can do this by using a damp cloth and some dish soap. Make sure that the pan is completely dry before you put it back together.

5. You Might Have Added Too Much Sauce In There

Adding too much sauce to your food can also cause the air fryer to smoke. This is because the sauce will start to boil and create a lot of steam. The steam will then escape from the air fryer, and it will create a lot of smoke.

If you’re adding sauce to your food, make sure that you don’t add too much. Add just enough so that the food is coated, but not dripping in sauce.

6. The Basket Might Be Overloaded

If the basket of your air fryer is overloaded, it will also start to smoke. This is because the unit won’t be able to circulate the air properly, and the food will start to cook unevenly. This will create a lot of smoke, and it will be difficult to cook the rest of your food properly.

Make sure that you don’t overload the basket of your air fryer. Only add enough food so that the basket is full, but not overflowing.

7. The Unit Might Be Overheating

If the air fryer is overheating, it will also start to smoke. This is because the unit will start to work too hard in order to try and cool down. This extra work will cause the smoke alarm to go off.

To prevent this from happening, make sure that you don’t overuse your air fryer. Only use it when you need it, and give it time to cool down in between uses.

8. The Fan Might Be Broken

If the fan of your air fryer is broken, it will also start to smoke. This is because the fan helps to circulate the air in the unit, and if it’s not working properly, the air will start to heat up and create smoke.

If you think that the fan might be broken, try cleaning it or replacing it. If that doesn’t work, then you might need to replace the entire unit.

9. You’re Not Following The Manufacturer’s Instructions

If your air fryer is smoking, it might be because you’re not following the manufacturer’s instructions. Every air fryer is different, so it’s important to follow the instructions that came with your unit.

If you’re not sure how to use your air fryer, or if you need help troubleshooting, then contact the manufacturer. They will be able to help you get your air fryer up and running properly.

10. There Might Be a Problem With the Unit

Finally, there could be a problem with the unit itself that’s causing the smoke. If this is the case, it’s best to contact the manufacturer and have them take a look at it. They might need to replace the unit altogether.

So, there you have it. 10 reasons why your air fryer might be smoking. If you’re experiencing this problem, try to troubleshoot the issue and see if you can fix it yourself. If you can’t, then contact the manufacturer for help.

How To Trouble Shoot A Smoking Air Fryer

If you are having trouble with your air fryer and it is smoking, there are a few things that you can do to try and troubleshoot the problem.

1. Check The Plug And Socket

The first thing that you should do is check to make sure that the air fryer is properly plugged in. If it is not plugged in, it will not work, and will likely smoke. If it is plugged in and still smoking, there are a few other things that you can try.

2. Check The Filter

If the air fryer is smoking, it may be because the filter is dirty and needs to be cleaned. To clean the filter, remove it from the air fryer and wash it with hot water and a mild detergent. Be sure to allow the filter to dry completely before re-installing it in the air fryer.

3. Check The Oil Level

If the air fryer is smoking, it may be because there is not enough oil in the pan. Add more oil to the pan and try cooking your food again.

4. Reset The Air Fryer

If none of these tips help to stop your air fryer from smoking, try resetting it by turning it off and then back on again. In case it still smokes, you may need to have it serviced.

Also, if your air fryer is smoking, these are the four things that you can try to troubleshoot the problem. If none of these tips help, you may need to have the air fryer serviced.

What To Do Once The Air Fryer Stops Releasing Smoke?

If the air fryer has stopped releasing smoke, there are a few things that you must do before using it again to make your meals or stack your meat. Make sure to follow these care instructions even when you are sure of your air fryer being the best one you have:

1. Clean The Fryer

The first and foremost thing you must do is clean the air fryer. It will not be of much use to you if it’s full of dirt and food. Take out all the removable parts, and clean them with hot water and soap or a dishwasher. You can also use a brush to scrub off any tough dirt.

2. Dry The Fryer

The next step is to make sure that all the parts are dry before you re-assemble them. Use a towel or a hair dryer to make sure that everything is completely dry.

3. Lubricate The Moving Parts

The last step is to lubricate the moving parts with cooking oil but you should know the basics of using oil in air fryers for this. This will help them move smoothly and prevent any smoke from being released in the future. Pour a little oil in the fryer, and use a paper towel to spread it around. You can also use a cotton swab to apply the oil in hard-to-reach places.

Make sure you follow these instructions to properly care for your air fryer, so that it does not release smoke every time you use it. If you have any questions or concerns, please consult your fryer’s manufacturer guidebook or contact customer service.


Hopefully, this article has helped you to understand the reasons why your air fryer might be smoking and has given you some tips on how to fix the problem. If you are still having trouble, or if your air fryer is not working at all, contact the manufacturer for assistance. Thanks for reading!


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About the author

Natalie is a food enthusiast who spends all of her time trying out new recipes, testing out new appliances, and making her kitchen as awesome as possible. She is a professional writer and blogs here about her love of food & kitchen.