How to Reheat Chicken Tenders in an Air Fryer?

If you love chicken tenders, then you know that reheating them can be tricky. You want your chicken to remain juicy and moist on the inside and crispy on the outside, but too often reheated chicken ends up soggy and bland.

Luckily, there’s an easy solution – use an air fryer!

Let’s take a look at how to reheat chicken tenders in an air fryer and achieve the perfect balance of crispy and juicy. 

Reheating Chicken Tenders in the Air Fryer:

Once your chicken tenders are prepped for heating, it’s time to fire up your air fryer!

  • Preheat your air fryer to 375°F for 3-5 minutes before adding in your chicken tenders.
  • Place them into the basket one by one, making sure to leave space between each piece for maximum airflow.
  • Set the timer for 4 minutes and let them cook until they are fully heated through.  

– Finishing Touches 

When your chicken tenders finish cooking, remove them from the air fryer carefully using kitchen tongs or oven mitts (depending on how hot they are).

chicken tenders - reheating chicken tenders in an air fryer

Transfer them onto a serving plate or cutting board lined with fresh paper towels so that any excess oil can be absorbed right away.

Let them cool down slightly before serving them with some freshly chopped vegetables or a side salad if desired! 

What Is the Best Way to Reheat Chicken Tenders in an Air Fryer?

Read on for a step-by-step guide on how to reheat chicken tenders in an air fryer. 

Step 1: Preheat Your Air Fryer:

The first step is to preheat your air fryer. Set the temperature between 375°F and 400°F and let it run for at least five minutes before you add the chicken tenders.

This will help ensure that they cook evenly throughout. 

Step 2: Prepare the Chicken Tenders 

Once your air fryer is preheated, you can begin preparing the chicken tenders for cooking.

The key here is to keep them as dry as possible—so, pat them down with paper towels or a kitchen cloth before placing them in the basket of the air fryer.

You can also season them if you’d like; just make sure that any seasonings or spices you use are oil-free so that they don’t stick to the basket of your air fryer

Step 3: Cook the Chicken Tenders 

Now it’s time to cook! Place your prepared chicken tenders into the basket of your preheated air fryer and set it for 10 minutes at 375°F (or 400°F if you prefer).

Make sure that the basket isn’t overcrowded—you want each tender to be given enough room so that it doesn’t touch its neighbors while cooking.

After 10 minutes are up, check on your tenders; if they’re not as crispy as you’d like them to be, give them another few minutes until they reach their desired level of crunchiness.

Just make sure not to overcook them or else they might become dry and tough!  

Step 4: Serve & Enjoy!

Once your chicken tenders have reached their ideal level of crispiness, take them out of the basket and serve them hot with whatever side dish you prefer! Enjoy!  

Why Are My Chicken Tenders Soggy From the Air Fryer?

If your chicken tenders are soggy after they’ve been cooked in the air fryer, it could be because of a few different things.

  • First, it’s important to make sure that you’re preheating the air fryer and keeping the temperature at an appropriate level (375°F-400°F).
  • If you don’t let the air fryer get hot enough, it won’t be able to crisp up the outside of your chicken tenders.
  • Additionally, make sure that your chicken tenders are completely dry before you put them in the basket. If they have any excess moisture on them (from washing or thawing), this can lead to fogginess.
  • You can pat them dry with paper towels or a kitchen cloth before placing them in the air fryer to help prevent this.

Finally, it’s possible that your chicken tenders were overcooked in the air fryer.

Check on them periodically throughout their cooking time and make sure to take them out once they reach the desired level of crispiness.

How Do You Reheat Chicken Tenders in Air Fryer Without Drying It Out?

There are several steps you can take to make sure that your chicken tenders don’t dry out when reheating chicken tenders in the air fryer.

  • First, preheat the air fryer before adding the chicken tenders. This will help ensure that they cook evenly throughout and won’t dry out too quickly on the outside.
  • Second, make sure that the chicken tenders are completely dry before putting them in the basket. Pat them down with paper towels or kitchen cloth to ensure that any excess moisture is absorbed right away.
  • Finally, keep an eye on your tenders throughout their cooking time, and be sure to take them out when they reach the desired level of crispiness.

Heating them too long can lead to dry and tough chicken tenders, so don’t be afraid to take them out a few minutes early if needed.

How Long to Reheat Chicken Tenders in an Air Fryer?

The time it takes to reheat chicken tenders in the air fryer can vary depending on how many you’re cooking and how hot your air fryer is.

Generally, however, it should take about 7-10 minutes at 375°F (or 400°F if you prefer).

Make sure to check on your tenders periodically throughout their cooking time, and don’t be afraid to take them out a few minutes early if needed.

You want them to reach the desired level of crispiness without becoming dry or tough.

What Temperature to Reheat Chicken Tenders in Air Fryer?

The best temperature to reheat chicken tenders in the air fryer is 375°F (or 400°F if you prefer).

This should give them the perfect amount of time to crisp up without becoming dry or tough.

Just make sure to check on your tenders throughout their cooking time, and be sure to take them out when they reach the desired level of crispiness; heating them too long can lead to dry and tough chicken tenders.

Tips for Reheating Chicken in an Air Fryer:

1. Preheat the air fryer before adding your chicken tenders. This will help ensure that they cook evenly throughout and won’t dry out too quickly on the outside.

2. Make sure to pat down the chicken tenders with paper towels or kitchen cloths to absorb any excess moisture prior to placing them in the basket.

3. Check on your chicken tenders periodically throughout their cooking time, and be sure to take them out when they reach the desired level of crispiness. Heating them too long can lead to dry and tough chicken tenders, so don’t be afraid to take them out a few minutes early if needed.


Reheating chicken tenders in an air fryer is a great way to get restaurant-level crunchiness without having to leave home—and now with this helpful guide, it’s easier than ever!

No more soggy reheated meals – now you can enjoy a juicy interior and golden brown exterior every single time you heat up leftovers or cook frozen foods like chicken tenders.

Enjoy this easy way of heating up snacks without having to worry about sacrificing taste or texture!

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About the author

Natalie is a food enthusiast who spends all of her time trying out new recipes, testing out new appliances, and making her kitchen as awesome as possible. She is a professional writer and blogs here about her love of food & kitchen.

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