Cooking Frozen Sausage Patties in an Air Fryer – A Step-by-Step Guide 

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to make delicious sausage patties, you can’t go wrong with an air fryer.

Air fryers use hot air circulation to cook food quickly and evenly, resulting in perfectly crispy sausage patties every time.

In this blog post, we will give you tips on cooking frozen sausage patties in an air fryer, storing them, and the benefits of cooking them in the air fryer.


How To Cook Frozen Sausage Patties in an Air fryer?

Here is a step-by-step guide to properly cook frozen sausage patties in an air fryer:

Step 1: Preheat the Air Fryer 

The first step is to preheat your air fryer.

Most models require about 3-5 minutes to preheat fully.

While your air fryer is preheating, take out your frozen sausage patties and let them sit at room temperature for 5 minutes. This will help ensure that they cook more evenly when placed in the air fryer. 

Step 2: Place Sausage Patties in the Basket 

Once your air fryer has finished preheating, place the frozen sausage patties into the basket of the air fryer.

Frozen Sausage Patties in an Air Fryer

Make sure that they are spread out and not touching each other for optimal results. If necessary, you may need to cook them in batches if your basket is too small for all of them at once. 

Step 3: Cook Sausage Patties 

The next step is to select the temperature setting on your air fryer and set it to 360 degrees Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius).

After selecting the temperature setting, set a timer for 8 minutes, as this should be enough time for the sausage patties to cook thoroughly.

Once the timer goes off, check that they are cooked through by cutting one open with a knife or fork; if they are still pink inside then add another 2 minutes of cooking time before checking again. 

Rinse and repeat until all sausages are cooked through!    

How Long to Cook Frozen Sausage Patties in an Air Fryer?

Usually, it takes around 10 minutes to cook frozen sausage patties in an air fryer.

The exact cooking time will depend on the size of your patties and the power of your air fryer.

We recommend checking them after 8 minutes of cooking and adding additional time if they are not cooked through yet. 

What Temperature Do You Cook Frozen Sausage Patties in an Air Fryer?

We suggest cooking frozen sausage patties in an air fryer at 360 degrees Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius).

This should be enough temperature to cook them through and make sure that they are crispy on the outside.

How Do You Know When Frozen Sausage Patties in Airfryer are Done?

The best way to tell when your sausage patties are done is by cutting one open with a knife or fork.

If they are still pink inside, then they need more time in the air fryer. Keep adding 2 minutes of cooking time until they are cooked through.

Can You Cook Frozen Sausage Patties in Airfryer Without Thawing?

Yes, you can cook frozen sausage patties in an air fryer without thawing them first.

However, we recommend letting them sit at room temperature for 5 minutes before placing them in the air fryer to ensure that they cook more evenly.

Are Frozen Sausage Patties Pre-cooked?

Most frozen sausage patties are pre-cooked and only need to be heated up.

However, it’s important to check the package instructions before cooking them in an air fryer as some varieties may require additional time for safety reasons.

Why Make Frozen Sausage Patties in Air Fryer?

Are you looking for a quick, delicious breakfast meal?

If so, frozen sausage patties are a great choice. But why make them in an air fryer instead of the conventional oven or stovetop?

Let’s explore the benefits of using an air fryer to make frozen sausage patties and how it can save time and energy. 

1. Cooking Time 

Using an air fryer to cook frozen sausage patties is significantly faster than using a conventional oven or stovetop.

The average cooking time is approximately 10-12 minutes, depending on the size of the sausage patty.

This makes it perfect for busy mornings when you need a deliciously fast breakfast! 

2. Healthier Cooking Method 

Air fryers use hot air circulating around food, which means no added oil or grease is needed for cooking.

This makes them a healthier option than traditional frying methods due to not adding extra fat and calories. And because there is no need to preheat the oven, you will also save energy when cooking with an air fryer. 

3. It Preserves Flavor & Texture 

One of the great things about air fryers is that they preserve flavor and texture better than other methods of cooking.

The hot air circulates around the food quickly which allows it to be cooked evenly while still keeping its original taste and texture intact.

This ensures that your sausage patties will be flavorful and juicy every time!  

How to Store Air Fryer Frozen Sausage Patties?

  • The first thing you should do when storing your air fryer frozen sausage patties is to make sure that you keep them in a sealed container or bag.

This will help prevent any bacteria from getting into the food and potentially causing food poisoning. It’s also important to make sure that the container or bag is stored in a cool, dry place so that the sausages do not spoil.

  • Most experts recommend keeping them in the refrigerator if possible, though they can be stored at room temperature for up to two days if necessary. 

If you want your air fryer frozen sausage patties to last longer than two days, then it’s best to freeze them. To do this properly, wrap each patty individually in plastic wrap before placing them into an airtight container or freezer bag.

  • Make sure the container or bag is labeled with the date so that you know when it needs to be used and doesn’t forget to squeeze out as much of the excess air as possible before sealing it shut!

Freezing your sausages can help keep their flavor intact for weeks or even months depending on how they are stored and handled while being cooked. 

  • Finally, no matter how you decide to store your air fryer frozen sausage patties, it’s always important to make sure that they are cooked thoroughly before eating them.
  • Be sure to check their internal temperature with a food thermometer before consuming them; this will ensure that all bacteria have been killed off and that your sausages are safe to eat. 

How to Reheat Air Fryer Frozen Sausage Patties?

Once you have cooked your air fryer frozen sausage patties, you may want to reheat them in the future.

This is actually quite easy and can be done either in an air fryer or in a conventional oven.

  • To do this, preheat your oven or air fryer to 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about 5 minutes before adding the sausage patties.
  • Cook for 8-10 minutes, flipping them halfway through to ensure they are cooked evenly.
  • Once finished, let your sausages cool down before serving, and enjoy!


For those who are looking for a quick, healthy way to make their favorite breakfast meal, making frozen sausage patties in an air fryer is definitely worth considering!

Not only does it preserve flavor and texture better than other methods, but it also cuts down on cooking time significantly without sacrificing taste or health benefits.

Cooking frozen sausage patties in an air fryer is quick and easy!

All you need is a few simple steps and you can have perfectly crispy sausages ready to eat in no time at all. With this guide as a reference, cooking frozen sausages in an air fryer won’t be intimidating anymore – so try it out today!

No matter how experienced of a chef you are or aren’t, anyone can make delicious sausages using an Airfryer!

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About the author

Natalie is a food enthusiast who spends all of her time trying out new recipes, testing out new appliances, and making her kitchen as awesome as possible. She is a professional writer and blogs here about her love of food & kitchen.

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