Causes of Air Fryer Smoking and its Prevention!

Have you ever been cooking in the kitchen, only to have your fryer start smoking and set off the smoke alarm? It can be an unsettling experience, especially if you’re not sure why it happened or how to stop it. Don’t worry!

Air fryers are a popular kitchen appliance that utilizes hot air to cook food instead of the traditional use of oil. While this appliance is generally safe, it can produce smoke during use.

If you’re wondering what causes an air fryer to smoke and how you can prevent it, read on! 


Common Causes of Air Fryer Smoking

Here are some causes:

Cause No 1:

The most common cause of air fryer smoking is using too much oil or fat.

It’s important to note that although your air fryer does not require oil or fat for cooking, some recipes do call for it.

For those recipes that do require oil or fat, make sure you’re using the amount specified in the recipe and not more than that. Too much oil or fat can cause smoking air fryer and even fire in some cases. 

Cause No 2:

Another common cause of air fryer smoking is using a piece of aluminum foil as a liner in the cooking basket.

This is commonly done when roasting vegetables to prevent them from sticking to the basket, but it will also likely result in smoke because the aluminum foil isn’t meant to be used at high temperatures like those used by an air fryer.

Instead, opt for parchment paper as a liner if needed. 

Cause No 3:

Finally, smoking can occur if food particles become stuck inside the heating element and are burned up during cooking. To avoid this issue, always make sure you clean your air fryer after each use and keep it free of debris and residue buildup.

Additionally, pay attention while cooking and make sure there aren’t any pieces of food that have lodged themselves inside the heating element as this could cause the air fryer smoking as well. 

How Do I Stop My Fryer From Smoking?

We’ve got you covered with this quick guide on how to stop air fryer smoking. 

1. Check the Oil Level 

One of the most common causes of smoke coming from a fryer is too much oil in the tank. If there’s too much oil in the fryer, it will start to burn and smoke when it gets hot.

To prevent this from happening, make sure that you always use the right amount of oil for your fried food.

Depending on what type of food you’re cooking and how much of it, you may need more or less oil than usual.

Before turning on your air fryer, make sure that the oil level is correct according to the manufacturer’s instructions. 

2. Clean Out Any Excess Food Particles 

Another reason why your fryer might be smoking is that there are excess food particles left in it from previous uses.

When these excess food particles get heated up again, they can start to burn and cause smoke.

To prevent this from happening, make sure that you clean out any excess food particles after each use before turning on your fryer again.

You should also regularly give your fryer a deep clean with detergent and warm water every few weeks to ensure that all food particles are properly removed. 

3. Check for Leaks or Damage 

If your fryer has any leaks or damage, then it might be releasing too much heat which could cause it to start smoking when turned on.

To check for leaks or damage, look around all of the seals and connections in your fryer for signs of wear and tear or corrosion.

If you notice anything suspicious, then replace those parts as soon as possible so that they don’t cause any further damage.

It might also help to buy a new replacement part if needed since older parts can often be more prone to developing problems like leaks over time. 

Can You Put Aluminum Foil in an Air Fryer?

No, you should not put aluminum foil in an air fryer as it will likely cause a smoking air fryer.

Aluminum foil isn’t meant to be used with high temperatures like those used by an air fryer and can easily start to burn and create smoke when exposed to them.

If you need to use a liner for roasting vegetables or other food in your air fryer, it’s best to opt for parchment paper instead.

Parchment paper is designed to withstand high temperatures and won’t cause smoking air fryer as aluminum foil can. 

Do All Air Fryers Create Smoke?

No, not all air fryers create smoke.

However, there are some common causes of smoke that you should be aware of including using too much oil in the tank or having excess food particles stuck inside the heating element.

To avoid air fryer smoking and other issues with your air fryer, make sure to always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the proper use and regularly clean it out after each use.

air fryer smoking

Additionally, pay attention while cooking to make sure there aren’t any pieces of food lodged inside the heating element as this could cause the air fryer smoking as well.

By taking preventative measures like these, you can help ensure that your air fryer continues to cook up delicious meals without producing any smoke.

Happy frying!

Do Air Fryers Need Ventilation?

No, most air fryers don’t require any ventilation.

While some larger models may come with an exhaust fan or hood to vent out extra heat and smoke, most standard air fryers are designed to be used without the need for additional ventilation.

This is because they typically have built-in vents that allow hot air and smoke to escape without the need for external ventilation.

However, if you find a smoking air fryer, then it might be a good idea to invest in some kind of ventilation system such as an exhaust fan or hood.

This can help prevent any excess smoke from accumulating in your kitchen and causing a fire hazard.

Do Air Fryers Leak Carbon Monoxide?

No, air fryers do not leak carbon monoxide.

Air fryers usually use hot air to cook food instead of burning gas or oil, so there’s no risk of them releasing any dangerous gases like carbon monoxide into the air.

However, it’s still important to make sure that your air fryer is properly ventilated to ensure that any excess smoke or heat is vented out of your kitchen.

Additionally, if you notice any leaks or damage on your air fryer then it’s best to repair them as soon as possible. This can help prevent any problems like air fryer smoking from occurring while you’re cooking.

With the right precautions, you can ensure that your air fryer continues to provide delicious meals without any risk of leaking carbon monoxide.

Why Is Bacon Smoking in Air Fryers?

Bacon can smoke in air fryers for a few different reasons.

1. High Temperature:

One of the most common causes is that the bacon is being cooked at too high of a temperature.

Bacon should be cooked at a low to medium temperature and anything higher than that can cause it to start smoking.

If this happens, try turning down the heat on your air fryer or reducing the cooking time.

2. Excess Fat Build-Up

Another possible reason that bacon might be smoking in air fryers is because of excess fat build-up inside the heating element.

Bacon often has a high-fat content, so over time it can start to collect and smoke when heated.

To prevent this from happening, make sure to regularly clean out any excess fat that has built up on the heating element.

3. Oil Build-Up

Finally, it’s possible that bacon is smoking because of oil build-up in the air fryer tank.

If you’ve been using a lot of oil with your meals then it can start to accumulate and smoke when exposed to heat.

To prevent this, make sure to always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for how much oil you’re supposed to be using and regularly clean out the tank after each use.

How to Safely Handle a Smoking Air Fryer:

Here are some tips to safely handle a smoking air fryer:

1. Unplug the Air Fryer

The most important step when dealing with a smoking air fryer is to immediately unplug it from the electrical socket to prevent any further damage.

If there is not an easily accessible power switch, make sure you are wearing appropriate footwear before proceeding to unplug the appliance.

Do not touch the appliance while unplugging it as it may be hot or otherwise dangerous due to its state. 

2. Turn on an Exhaust Fan

Once the air fryer has been safely removed from its power source, turn on an exhaust fan in order to clear up any smoke or fumes that may be present in the room.

This will help ensure that no one in your household is exposed to any hazardous materials that may have been produced by the malfunctioning appliance. 

3. Remove the Basket

If possible, remove the basket from the air fryer as this will help reduce heat exposure and will also allow for more efficient cooling of both the device itself and any food that might still be inside of it.

Be sure to wear protective gloves when handling hot items such as baskets or pans in order to protect yourself from potential burns or other injuries. 

4. Let the Device Cool Down

Allow plenty of time for the air fryer and its components to cool down before attempting any further action.

This could take up to several hours depending on how hot everything was prior to you unplugging it, so be patient while waiting for things to cool off before continuing with troubleshooting or cleaning tasks. 

5. Clean the Air Fryer

Once everything has cooled down sufficiently, use a damp cloth and appropriate cleaning products (such as baking soda) in order to thoroughly clean both the inside and outside of your air fryer in order to prevent future problems from occurring due to food residue buildup or other issues caused by neglecting regular maintenance tasks.  

6. Prevent Further Problems

Finally, take some time out of your day-to-day routine in order to inspect your air fryer regularly and perform regular maintenance tasks such as wiping down surfaces and checking all connections for signs of wear or damage.

This will help keep your device running smoothly for years into the future!

How Do You Clean the Inside of an Air Fryer?

When cleaning the inside of an air fryer, it’s important to first unplug the device from its power source and let it cool down completely before proceeding.

After that, you can use a damp cloth or sponge with mild soap or baking soda in order to remove any food residue or grease buildup from the interior walls of your appliance.

Be sure to wipe down all surfaces carefully and avoid using any abrasive tools or materials.

Once you’ve finished, make sure to give the inside of your air fryer a good rinse before drying it off with a clean cloth or paper towel.


Knowing what causes an air fryer to smoke is essential for the safe operation of this kitchen appliance. The most common causes of air fryer smoking are using too much oil or fat in a recipe, using aluminum foil as a liner in the cooking basket, and allowing food particles to get stuck inside the heating element.

No one likes dealing with a smoky kitchen! Luckily, following these simple steps can help you keep your fryer running smoothly without issues like a smoking air fryer or fire hazards caused by improper use or maintenance.

Be sure to check the oil level before each use, clean out any excess food particles after each use, and inspect for leaks or damage regularly so that nothing goes wrong while you’re cooking!

With a little bit of care and attention, you can avoid any unwanted air fryer smoking while frying up delicious meals for yourself or others!

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About the author

Natalie is a food enthusiast who spends all of her time trying out new recipes, testing out new appliances, and making her kitchen as awesome as possible. She is a professional writer and blogs here about her love of food & kitchen.

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